

UK || Education System

The Education System in the UK has welcomed talented students of different nationalities and backgrounds, and has years of experience in providing quality education to international students. Approximately 1.8 million students currently are in the higher education system; about one third of young people go on to higher education at age 18 (with almost 55% of students in Scotland), are studying either full-time for university degrees.

Education System model

Primary education
Most UK children enter the state education system when they go to primary school at the age of five and generally move to secondary school or college at the age of eleven.

Secondary education
All UK secondary schools, both state and independent, teach pupils at least until the age of sixteen and prepare them for GCSEs or equivalent qualifications.

Post-sixteen educations
After completing compulsory education at the age of sixteen, students may legally leave school and start work. Most, however, study A-levels or equivalent qualifications as sixth-form students in a school, sixth-form college or college of further education. International students often enter the education system at this point, e.g. taking an A-level course in preparation for further or higher education in the UK.

Post-eighteen educations
Sixth-formers usually finish their secondary education at the age of eighteen with A-levels or equivalent qualifications, then go on to study at either further or higher education level.

Further education (FE)
This is the term used to describe education and training that takes place after the school-leaving age of sixteen. Most of the FE colleges, both state-funded and independent, offer a very wide range of programmes, including English language courses, some GCSEs, A-levels and other equivalents, career based courses, access courses and some degree courses.

Higher education (HE)
This is the term used to describe the education and training that takes place at universities, colleges and institutes offering studies at degree level and higher offering a wide range of courses, most of which lead to degrees or equivalent qualifications, postgraduate qualifications or MBAs.

Information about various qualifications offered by UK Colleges and Universities

First Degree Courses (Bachelor's degree)
Courses  are normally of three or four years' duration and are largely taught courses, sometimes including the preparation of a short written thesis.

Sandwich Courses
Coursework is accompanied by practical work. A student could either complete 2 years of college, then a year of commercial training before returning for a final year in college. Or, he/she could do a 4-year course with 3-6 months' training each year. The main advantage is that the student gets real experience while in the learning mode.

Higher National Diploma (HND)
These are awarded by Vocational and Technical Educational Councils. They offer a 2-year course in a vocational subject like scientific and technical business subjects. Great emphasis is placed on work experience. It is often seen as the first step towards a degree course as the credits can be transferred.

Vocational Courses
It offers an opportunity to enter the university system slowly. Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC), General Vocational Qualifications (GNVQ), General Scottish Vocational Qualifications (GSVQ) offer recognized courses in a range of disciplines. Most students opt to take 1-2 years of, for example, BTEC courses before being transferred to a degree programme. BTEC national certificates/diplomas are usually accepted as an alternative to A-Levels.

Postgraduate courses
Study may take the form of an independent piece of research under supervision or a taught course, and leads to a variety of degrees and awards. The taught courses normally last for one or sometimes two years. Completion of a doctorate normally takes a minimum of three years.

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